Saturday, March 22, 2008

Price of Gas- Are you slowing down

Being an owner of a Nine year old auto it has finally dawned on me that I get terrible gas mileage. I need all those items they sell on TV after dark to get better mileage.

Or I could drive slower. My car gets better gas mileage at 50 than it does at 65. But when I get on the interstate you all want me to go 70. At what point does economics win out over the the abuse and tailgating.

Well if you see Mr. Pokey traveling below lightspeed on 74 or 474 observing the the Deer the Hawks, etc. He is saving Fuel, or maybe he has turned into the little old gramps.

Just honk ands wave as you go by and see me getting smaller in the rear view mirror.


Jennifer said...

My 1997 Rav4 gets okay gas mileage, and yes, I am slowing down, but it's not necessarily a choice, the 4 cylinder engine, well, it's hard to get going very fast. The hill by ICC? I'm lucky to make it up to 45 mph...

I have been making a conscious effort to drive less, though. We live out in the country and I really try to restrict my trips "in to town" to once per week.