Saturday, March 29, 2008

Are you getting tired of hearing about the Interest only home loans, I know I am

I know its an election year, but to hear Representative LaHood talking on local radio, saying the government has to find ways for these home buyers to not lose their homes.

How can a person buy a house on an interest only loan. When did they think they would be able to pay the principal. This was a gamble and they lost.

Can I go on the Riverboat lose my house and have the government figure out a way for me to keep it. Come on, we need to be responsible for our own actions.

These folks had greed in their eyes. The banker/ mortgage companies had their eyes on a big payout. Who loses, Joe and JoAnn Average Citizen who were not part of this debacle.

When are we going to accept the fact that we need to live within our limits.