Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tamale Gate or Ethanol Heating Up Controversy

Tamale prices in El Paso, TX increased a Dollar from $11.00 to $12.00 per dozen. This price hike is due to Ethanol Production causing the increase in corn prices and higher transportation costs.

Meanwhile the Ethanol plants are struggling. The Canton IL Ethanol plant filling for Bankruptcy and some of the others scheduled to start to build have been put on hold. Is Ethanol the fuel of choice for the future.

We have seen the the first plants that got online before the run up of corn prices make a large return on their initial investments. Many have sold out from their original Farmer owner base as investors saw this as an opportunity to cash in on this market. As the price of Corn has risen we are seeing a change in the scenery. We are seeing the plants looking at sales of the other product of production as a source of revenue. That component is Dried Distillers Grain if the plant has a drier complex. If not we are seeing the wet mash sold as cattle feed domestically. The Dried Distillers grain with a 24% protein level is an attractive feed source in many foreign countries. This product is one of the major new exports lowering our balance of trade deficit. We are bringing in Electronics and sending out Dried Distillers grain and other ag commodities.

We have seen the oil independence of Brazil with the use of Ethanol for fuel for their autos. What is the difference here in the U.S.? Brazil has an Ethanol Advantage. The fuel source for Ethanol is Sugar Cane. To make ethanol Sugar Cane is a fantastic crop. The Sugars are easily broken down into making Ethanol. It is a very efficient crop for this process.

In the Corn based Ethanol process the margins are thin due to the high cost of inputs. The energy to process the grain is large and the cost of grain is increasing at an ever expanding rate. The Canton Plant was going to use a coal mixture for energy to process the Ethanol. Most all the others use Natural gas and Oil for processing.

One Ethanol plant coming on line in the near future is a BioMass plant in Soperton GA. This will not use Corn but will use alternative sources for the simple sugars required to make the Alcohol. This will be an interesting plant to see how economically it can produce Ethanol. And the associated new crop structure to support this plant.

It will be an interesting year to see what breaks out in this market. The Bush Energy bill calls for an increase use in BioFuels. It will be interesting to see if the cost factors will allow this industry to prosper.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tracks- the fresh snow

The best thing about snow is the tracks>>>>> Look around the snow and see what visitors you had in your yard.

A first set of tracks noticed was from a one legged pidgeon. I spotted the tracks early in the morning near the garage. And saw the little guy by the feeder later in the day. He was eating bird seed off the ground. (Bird Seed funny use of terms. If you plant it will birds grow?)

I also saw tracks from the mouse that lives under the stairs. He is so cute. I am sure he will be burrowing through the snow since I saw two sets of Cat tracks.

There were several bunnies. The dogs get excited when they smell the bunnies. (No not the "Girls next door" kind of bunnies) There was also the rabbit poo all over the yard that was shoveled where you can see the grass.

The Birds are all by the double feeders and Bird Bath. They really enjoy the feed and the Suet. The different bird tracks are of all sizes. From the CatBirds down to the little chickadees. It is great seeing the Cardinals and the occasional woodpecker stop by the feeder.

The freshness is slowly diminishing in the snow. The scholl kids and neighbor dogs are gradually making the front yard resemble Grand Central Station as the tracks accumulate.

We will have to wait for a fresh canvas of newly fallen snow to start the tracks again. It is truly amazing the things you can find in the tracks.

Sleep tight, stay warm, and have a happy holiday.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Toys for Tot's shortfall needing your help

In the news tonight one of the lead stories was the shortfall of toys for the Toys for Tot's program. In the story they said there was a shortfall last year as well. If you have some toys you would like to donate the drop off locations can be found at

This is a great charity to light up a small child's Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Critter Meals on Wheels- Neighborhood House, Peoria

In Monday's Journal Star column PET WORLD- "Gifts for pet-lover's keep on giving" it talks about charitable donations to pet organizations.

A local connection (Not mentioned in the paper) is with the Neighborhood House in Peoria. Many of the regular Meals on Wheels recipients have pets to keep them company. These furry companions are very important to the well being of the elderly individuals that are getting Meals on Wheels. It was discovered that many can not afford a lot of pet food and share the meals on wheels items with their pets. So a Critter Meals on Wheels program was started. We have been supporting this for many years. This type of program does not get the exposure that many other service programs receive.

If you have a heart for pets consider this program in your gift giving this year.

Customer Service or lack of training or do people lack tact and diplomacy

I travel quite often and had two instances of poor Customer Service in the last two days. In Hindsight it seems to be a trend.

First example came Thursday in Virginia. I had an hour wait for a meeting and decided to stop at a Cracker Barrel for a bowl of soup. I was propmptly seated and had a good bowl of Beef Noodle soup and a drink. I got the check and headed out to the cash register.

I gave the check to the cashier and she asked me what I had for lunch. She told me that this could not be my check and again asked me what I had. I told her the soup and she looked at me like I was trying to cheat the Cracker Barrel. She went around the counter and tracked down my server and got the correct check. I had not looked at the check since it was so small I did not know how it could have been messed up. When she came back to the register there was no attempt to apologize for the oversight in giving me the wrong check. I wish I had not left a good tip at this point.

How should this have been handled?? The cashier could have said that she needed to check with the server that there may be an error on my check or could have just taken what I ordered and enter it in the register and then talk with the server about the error. In a normal year I will eat at an out of town restaurant approximately 150 times.

Will this experience affect my choice of restaurants in the future. A similar poor service (waiting 15 minutes for a waitperson to come to acknowledge my presence in their section) has already had a negative impact on the IHOP chain. IHOP is at the bottom of my list of restaurants at the moment.

Then last night, I flew into Peoria and on my way home stopped at the Kroger's near the Airport in B'ville. I had quite a cart load. You know never go to the grocery when you are hungry! So I had a large amount of groceries. As I was checking out I realized I had missed one item. I asked the person bagging if I could put my cart near the lane and go back and get the item. So I placed the cart at the front of the store and found my one item. It was after 8:00 P.M. and there was only the one lane open. It now had quite a line so I went throught the U-Scan lane for my $1.49 item. I am leaving the store with my cumulative purchases when I get half way across the parking lot I her a female voice yelling "Sir, Sir." to which I ignore not thinking they are looking for me. Then I hear the Salvation Army guy yelling as well. So I turn around and the Kroger employee is looking for me. She then yells across the parking lot " Did you pay for your (item)?" I told her how I had paid for it.

This could have been a positive had the Kroger employee came to the car since I had a whole cart full and simple asked me if I had found the item in question and if I had any trouble in the Uscan lane since that was the only option other than the lane that she was working at.

I have seen many instances of great customer service and tend to give larger gratuities if applicable or write letters to the company. In the last 3 month's I have sent out 5 letters to companies where the employee had gone above the call of duty.

One instance was a flight out of Bloomington on Airtran. The airline was getting ready to close the door on the plane and a familly of four came in. One was a baby in arms. They were sitting a few rows in front of me. The stewardess helped the family get settled and she got a little snack., etc for the kids. This calmed the frantic parents and kids, who were surely worried that they would miss the plane. This little extra action by the Airtran employee made the whole plane trip more enjoyable for the whole cabin. Feeling that if she had not made this extra effort the kids would have been noisy and not content with the surroundings on the crowded plane. Airtran was in receipt of a letter for this employees efforts.

I do not think we reward good experiences as much as we should. We are always vocal to our friends about bad experiences.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Green for Christmas???

You get the envelope anticipating the gift card to the Electronic store for the latest gizmo of your choice. You eagerly open it to find. "In the True Christmas spirit we have made a donation to KIVA, Samaritan's Purse, etc."

What is the reaction. According to the USA Today, it will not be a warm welcome. If this is truly the case. The thought is nice, why would the receiver not welcome this with open arms. The opportunity to help someone across the world or in the USA should be a heart warming experience.

I can remember times in my past if I received that type of item. I would have had quite a rejection. As we grow and see the benefits to the world as a whole I would welcome this gift today. We need to experience the simple pleasures. Do that extra thing to make someone's day unique.

Tonight I am taking customers to an event that is a fund raiser. Part of the fundraiser is a raffle where they give away big screen tv's, etc. That is the draw to the Christmas Party. It is not the opportunity to help out the kids from the Charity but what they are giving away.

Maybe, what is won will be regifted, maybe not. The Charity will raise a large sum of money. They do every year from the items that are donated. But the act of the raffle is a draw to the event. But it seems to supercede the event.

Green items for Christmas are not new. They are just in vogue. The thought of purchasing a goat for someone in a Village in Western Africa may not sound like a great gift. But it will make a difference to that person and community. The problem that most inject is the amount of overhead many of these charities have to provide the services. Do your homework before you try to Green the World. You want to see that you get the maximum benefit from your donation.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas TV Commercials

Due to the weather most evryone will be hunkered down again today. Watching some of the Holiday Commercials one specifically caught my eye. It is the new ones from Kohl's. I must be upfront and say that I do a lot of shopping at Kohl's.

The ads are based on the most festive times around the family in what would appear to be a several million dollar home with long stairways, large cavernous highly decorated rooms. The commercials are quite artistic and in your mind want you to think of the Holidays as a Glamorous Time of the year. This is really playing on my mind. The question is who is the target market for Kohl's advertising?

In reviewing their supplement in today's paper it would lead you to believe there are two different Kohl's.

The Print Kohl's is for the Price oriented shopper and the TV is for the shopper that takes months and monthsof preparation for the Holiday. Thinking that 99.5% of the shoppers at Kohl's fall in the print group, it seemed odd that the money was spent on the Big TV production ad.

Maybe It is just age or the hustle and bustle of our daily lives that make this view of the Holiday a little off kilter. Maybe I should switch off the TV and turn on the radio for all the Christmas music, Especially Leon Redbone's rendition of Frosty the Snowman with Dr. John. A true Christmas Classic.

Have a great day, It is hoped you will not develop a case of Cabin Fever. If you must go out be safe.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

John Morris- Will he come in and save the day for WTVP??

John Morris claim to the seat of Ray LaHood is based on his Peoria City Council experience and his Non Profit fund raising efforts.

In his election website he also promotes this experience. Looking at the John Morris for Congress website the following information about John's past accomplishments.

"John serves as vice president for development for WTVP. In this position, he has spent the last ten years promoting civic engagement, education for children and culture for our community through his work with the station. Nearly a million viewers in 20 counties have been enriched by numerous quality programs, made possible in part by John’s leadership in raising millions in private funds to support public television.
His leadership helped our local station to be the first to achieve federally required digital conversion in Illinois and to gain recognition as one of the finest broadcast stations of its kind in the nation. He presently serves as the Chairman of the national PBS Foundation Station Advisory Board. He previously served as the chief development officer for the non-profit Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences from 1992-1997. Today, he frequently speaks out on the importance of private philanthropy."
-Source: John Morris for Congress website

We have seen John for many years on the fundraisers for WTVP. Searching his website about the problems that WTVP currently faces and you can not find any reference to the plight of WTVP.

In the news articles and today's editorial in the Journal Star there are many dimensions to the problem facing WTVP in the next few months. Being a long term fan of WTVP and now their CREATE offering, it would be a shame for the community if the screen went black. Hope for the communities and its individuals to keep this most basic educational television delivering service to the local communities.

Will John come out and aid his former employer in their hours of need?? Will we see any mention from John about the WTVP situation??

Only time will tell.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Race for Congress has one less Candidate

I will miss Former BU Coach Dick Versace in the race for Congress. Th three candidates on the Republican side lack that certain flair that Dick Versace brings to the run.

Will there be a breakout with Mayor Ardis's endorsement of Jim McConaughy for Congress. Jim definitely stands out against the field at the moment.

With all sorts of projects needing money will the candidates be looking at trying to convince voters they can bring home the Pork?

There has been a lot of talk about large capital expenditures in the region. We have the Museum Square, the Zoo, WTVP, Children's Hospital, the Catholic Dioceses have large amount of projects on the drawing board (New High School, Some improvements at the schools) Peoria Public schools looking at adding two new schools. Where is the money coming from??? Also look at this list, these are not projects that are going to increase the workforce. These are projects, although good for the community they are "feel good projects."

The emphasis needs to be on job creation and providing for the local charities like Southside Mission, Neighborhood House, Peria Rescue Mission, etc. These can make a difference in the community.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lunch meeting gone bad or was it- Midway Duck Inn

I guess I need a calendar. Drove out to Lacon for a meeting and low and behold the meeting is Thursday. I got over the embarassment and on my way back to town stopped in at the Midway Duck Inn on Route 26 between Lacon and Spring Bay.

The long drive was quite memorable due to this stop. The place is quite cosy and filled with all kinds of Hunting memorabila. I walked in the restaurant bar in a tie and dress shirt and felt out of place. Next time I will need a camo outfit. The place was full of Duck Hunters all decked out in Camo.

Worrying that they thought I was a life insurance salesman, we got a table by the window. We had the nicest wait person come and take our order. Looking around the dining room it seemed that the Chicken was the hot item on the menu. I settled on a Tenderloin. No Frisbee style one here it was nice and thick and juicy. We were treated to plenty of refills on our drinks and it was quite the pleasurable experience.

Well back to Lacon tomorrow for the meeting. I just may get diverted again and stop in the Midway Duck Inn for some of that chicken.

If not tomorrow, it will happen again soon.

Just make sure you leave your dog and gun outside.

Bradley Braves Basketball- Electric

The crowd was huge, the atmosphere was electric. It had the feel of Big Time Basketball. The game was a true Barn Burner. The outcome was not what the crowd wanted, but the game was a true treat.

The stadium was a "White Out" filled with White T-Shirts over those designer outfits in the lower bowl. The normal crowd that sits on their hands did not show up for this game. Maybe they were at a Christmas Party and gave up there seat to a true fan. I do think they were there. It was the Hottest ticket in town in the past few years.

Another highlight was seeing the BU Soccer team come on the court at halftime to a rousing ovation as they head into Ohio State for a NCAA Soccer Elite 8 match. Going for a "W".

The Cheerleaders, The Band and Bravettes (Dance Team) put on a great show as well. It was a great evening.

Lets make this electricity continue into the next game.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Glad to Live in Central Illinois- driving in Chicago

Glad I am out of Chicago. Do not know how the legions of people do that drive in the city on a daily basis.

The traffic on I55 from 355 to Downtown was like a parking lot. Everyone jockeying for position hoping there is an opening.

Give me a break. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Give me the traffic report on our local radio that reports a few cars backed up.

Glad to be back home.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Spirit- the joys of shopping

Fa LaLa La La- Christmas shopping has started. I have several to send out and needed to get it underway. I keenly peered through the 40 pounds of ads in todays paper and selected my list.

Headed out to the Bermuda Triangle of Shopping. Northwoods, Glen Hollow and Willow Knolls. The traffic was not so bad but the potential to lose cash, and lines of credit in the triangle is mind boggling.

When you start looking around the prices of items have seemed to gone through the roof. Even on sale. One item in point a month ago is was $24.95 today when I saw it it was $30.45. How does an item go up $5.50 in a month. It was c0logne. Is there a shortage of good smelling chemicals that is raising the prices.

Where are all the old standby items that you could get for $10.00 or under. I can not give everyone Chutes and Ladders.

Coming out of the stores with a large amount of items and as I wrap them I did notice that only one was made in the US. Like that is a big surprise.

Well, I have to get it all boxed up and off in the post before the recipients leave for the Holidays.

Merry Christams to all and happy shopping ahead.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The power of the predictors- Meteorology at its finest

This morning was predicted a winter storm watch. They predicted the precipitation would start at 0900 at 0848 the sleet pellets started to fall. It is amazing how accurate they were. For you reading this outside of Central Illinois, Christmas Shopping will take a back seat today as we have been greated with sleet/freezing rain.

This happening on a weekend is probably the best alternative since many will be able to stay home and not go out in this weather.

If you are like me, Cabin fever may have already set in or maybe it is just to much Caffeine. Its that same feeling of waiting for your car to get fixed. When will it be over so we can get back to Normal.

Lets see if the prediction for tomorrow of 51 is correct as well.

Stay safe!

Friday, November 30, 2007

PJS- Roosevelt School hoping for RSVP's to big party

I like a party as much as any one. This one sounds like one I would give. A Party being thrown and no one showing up.

To quote the Journal Star article, "Roosevelt Magnet School has a dilemma.

It's planning a party to celebrate its 75th anniversary next week and has mailed out invitations and pamphlets, but so far no one has responded."

I feel for the organizers, the event they have planned sounds like a great night. Bradley Jazz ensemble the Heritage ensemble, dinner, etc. Why is there no takers?

Several years ago the Roosevelt Magnet School was a gem in District 150's crown. The apparent apathy of alumni is great if they can not get any buy in to the program from Alumni.

What is the cause of this apathy.

To close to the Holiday's and everyone is busy????

People have lost the connection to their roots???

Location of the event, many of the 40 plus years Alumni may not want to venture into that neighborhood at night????

Or is it a lack of careing about one's important part of their past???

Hope the event goes off without a hitch and is highly attended. It should Roosevelt Magnet School is important to the history of Peoria. It is unfortunate that they have to grovel for people to attend the event. It can be assured that many individuals have put long hours in on this project and to see it not be a success would be tragic for the school as well.

Shout out to all you Roosevelt Alumni, support your Alma Mater.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I have a peculiar trait, I only open my mail twice a month. Well I found three letters from Jessie White's office. Two were for renewing my Driver's License and I.D. (I Travel alot and need two government issued I.D.'s.) In case I lose one on the way to the airport I would not have to walk home. lol.

So I got up early and went to the the Secretary of State's office in Pekin. It was a breeze. In and out in 20 minutes. I thought it was great. They get a big tailwag for their service.

You may ask, yes, I did sign up to be an organ donor. Having given blood for many years. (11 gallon level) I thought they would need some other parts as well. I do not know how much they can use but they are welcome to working parts.

It seems to be the mantra at the DMV in concerns to organ donation. With the advancements in medicine they probably can use as many parts as possible.

In that note I also got a letter from the State Medical College of Georgia. They have been doing Alzheimer's research there looking for DNA evidence of Alzheimer's links in families. I am in a group study as my sister has that disease. She is a big advocate for the Alzheimer's Association. This is the second trial I have been in and hope the outcome from these trials are helpful against this disease.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Red and White Collection Boxes

The Red and White Boxes started popping up in the Spring of this year. I am on Vacation this week and sorting out the clothes that fit and those that do not. lol. Well I have the car full and am trying to find a place to take them.

In my research on available drop offs I googled the red and white boxes and found out they are a for profit company based in Chicago. USAgain is the name of the recyclers. The colors remind you of the old boxes the "bell ringers" had out. I bet a lot of folks think these are going to charity in the local community. When they are not going to either.

I will donate to the items to the local charities later today, and Wednesday, and probably Friday. If I can keep at it that long. I hope to have one day ofo fun during this vacation.

Watch out on Friday when the garbage truck rolls into town. If the vultures have not gotten there first they should have a good haul.

Monday, November 19, 2007


It is my favorite time of the year. It is Basketball Season. Saturday I traveled to Saint Louis to see the Furman Paladins play the Saint Louis Billikens. Now there is a big question. What is a Paladin and a Billiken.

Richwoods Grad Justin Dehm plays for Furman. He had a good game despite the loss. A large group of Central Illinoisians were on hand.

Then on Sunday was the Bradley Game, which was not much of a contest. The weather outside did seem like we were in South Padre Island. Braves play again tomorrow night. I am sure it will be a W for the Braves.

This weekend will be the high school games at Chillicothe and the start of the High School season.

Last week saw the grade school action of Christ Lutheran taking on St. Vincent DePaul at Notre Dame. The 8th graders put on quite a show.

Basketball is in full swing. Who has time for Thanksgiving preparation.

By the way, I do have to think about a casserole to make for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe some kind of Pasta? or some Butternut squash casserole.

I guess Thanksgiving is a good time to be Thanksful for many things. What are you thankful for????

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mr. G's

Last week I had the opportunity to visit West Peoria for a meeting. As we came up Western and turned into Main we were thinking Mr. G's for Lunch.

It was awesome. Highly recommended for all the great tail wgging Chicago Dogs. Definitely worth the stop. The place has quite a mix of clientel, You never know who you will be sitting next to at the tables. It has a unique ambience (if that is the proper word). But the most memorable thing about Mr. G's is the Fries.

Mr. G's is simplicity at its best. a great change of pace. If you love Hot Dogs this is a must stop. It is right up there with the Varsity in Atlanta and Millie's in Smithfield, NC.

If you visit Mr. G's you will not be disappointed. I know these kind of reviews are for Chef Kevin and the Central IL Gourmand. Hope I can apologize for my amateur review. 5 of 5 tail waggggsssss for Mr. G's.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Downtown Peoria- Riverfront

It is 0430- Time to get redy to go to the Riverplex. As I think about going down to the Riverplex, I would like to relate a chain of events that happened recently.

Since I am not a prime time visitor to the Riverfront. I had the pleasure of being in the area the other day. It is time to start getting Bird Feed. (Which should be called Bird Seed- Since when you use it the birds seem to grow on your property- but that is anothe rblog entry-later).

So after getting our feed we headed down to Old Chicago for a quick lunch. Old Chicago was closed for Lunch...What is with this!!! We did get a good view of the Sears Block as well. The art on the walls is really starting to look tacky.

As a frequent visitor to VA Beach, They have Mt. Trashmore. Which is a landfill that is now a park. It is very unusual and highly used. Could this space be used for making a Mountain of Silt from the River and turned into a Park for the City? Or a museum to Strip Mining? there needs to be something done with this area.

The Riverfront seems to have lost its vigor. There are some great projects along the Riverfront. There are a few that are are an eyesore. It would be great if the City could get it together again and make some more headway in this area.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Foster Parent

Foster parenting is a tough job. My first experience as a foster parent ended tonight. Our Foster kid was adopted today. It was sad to see her go. She went to a nice new family in Missouri. I know she will be loved by her new Mother and the two cats. Little Roxie will be missed.

Little Roxie came to us because she had a broken back and her back leg had limited mobility. Need I say more Little Roxie is a Four legged foster. We had her for 8 month's, we endured a lot with Rox. She was in heat, she got spayed and she filled the house with excitement when you entered the house. She looked forward to going to the park and chasing the squirrels.

She is headed to her new home. She will be spending her weekends at her Grandparents farm. It has a lake and a lot of bunnies that Roxie can chase. It was really neat to see the new Mom instantly bond with Roxie. She will have a great Home.

We will miss you Roxie. Our next Foster will hear all about Roxie.

Sleep good tonight in your new Home..Little Roxie

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Blogger Bash and Halloween

Went to the blogger bash last night it was quite interesting mix of folks. With it being the night before Halloween, I had to make a dish for our Breakfast Brunch. I made a Strata, If you have not tried a Strata, it's easy and tastes great. Unfortunately, it has to be in the fridge for 8 hours before baking.

It turned out great. Now lets get back to the Blogger Bash, having arrived late I missed some of the early leavers. I did meet a very eclectic group of bloggers. They are a great bunch of folks, enjoy there posts. From all the discussions evolving the things you are not supposed to talk about were wildly discussed. Politics, religion and more politics. There was some interesting discussions on the Presidential race, the House race and the State's Attorney race. It will be an interesting election year. The neatest things about the discussions were the vigor that the bloggers had for their point of view.

That vigor also was present in the Sports discussions and some of the stories of interest that take place on a daily basis in all our lives. The wide array of views and thoughts about our great community were very interesting.

It is this vigor that makes their blogs so much of a great read. As we get closer to that early primary, make sure you check out the blogs. I am sure they will be most enlightening and a great read.

It was a great time. I am looking forward to the next installment.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Great Tomato Crop is coming to a cold end

This years tomato crop has been the awesome. There are plants still are budding. The fruit is bountiful. The indeterminent plants are well over ten feet in height or should we say length as now they are invading the yard.

This morning the first frost raised its head. It will probably be doom for these fine plants. If so we will be back at the Supermarket next month getting the red orbs that do not have the taste of the homegrown beauties.

If you have not had the pleasure of a tomato plant try one next season. You can grow them in any kind of pot or in the yard. They have unique character and a great taste. Maybe you should not plant them so you will be happy with the store bought varieties.

Farewell trusty Tomato plants. The humans and animals will miss you until next year.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Space Shuttle and International Space Station Sightings from Peoria, IL

These cool nights give us the opportunity to see the Space Station with the naked eye. It is free and kind of fun. So bundle up and go outside and see the space station hurtle over Central Illinois.

Sunday's sighting will be at 6:00 a.m. It will appear 11 degrees above SSW and reach an elevation of 35 degrees and leave your view 34 degrees above SE. It will be in sight for 3 minutes.

Speaking of degrees it may frost in the morning so bundleup.

You can go to the NASA website and get information on sightings on a daily basis. Their website is

Good luck in seeing the Space station.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Local House on HGTV's "What's with the Haunted House" Sunday October 28 at 8:00 P.M.

The Haunted House in Creve Coeur, IL that is a big attraction before Halloween will be on the HGTV Special. You have a chance to see the Ghostly Delights in Person.

The Robertson Family Cemetery Home Haunt at 246 Ehrett Street in Creve Coeur, IL will be its last. It has been a tradition that will mark it's last showing. The House is open

Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M.

On Halloween Night it will be open from 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.

They will have a Child Friendly Evening Tuesday October 30 from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M.

Check out their website at:

"The Robertson Family Cemetary is open to the public. There is no charge but donations are accepted. Donations will be given to a local civic organization." - Source the family flyer.

Check out this local attraction. Seeing it in person is a better experience than seeing it on TV.

Have a Safe and Sane Halloween. Boo!!!

Footloose- Midwest Central High School Play

Last night was the final performance of the Midwest Central Play "Footloose" at the Forman Center in Manito. It was very good. Not attending many plays of late. This show kept the crowd on its toes with toe tapping music and some great comic relief. The comic of the Show was Willard played by Tyler Martin.

The Leads Ren played by Brad Wilson and Ariel played by Danielle Fisher, were very enthusiastic and professional in their portrayals. Brad has an excellent voice and the guy can dance. Danielle lit up the room with her expression and acting talents.

The cast included 61 students from a school of 240. That is amazing. The show was directed by Susan Frank and Rebecca Switzer. With a musical assist from the Brienen family. This was the 20th year for the Directors.

The community was really behind this show. It is great to see that in a small town like Manito. It would be great to see this kind of support in the bigger schools in the Peoria area. When was the last time you went to a School play, or Corn Stock or Peoria Players? Yet a lot of folks fork over big bucks to see productions at the Civic Center. The performers might be professional but the intensity and drive of the performers at Manito would stack up against a touring show.

Go out and support your local theatre groups. It makes for a great community.

5 of 5 tail wags for the "FOOTLOOSE" performers. It was a great show. Good Luck in your next endeavor.

Friday, October 19, 2007

ATail of Two Halves The Richwoods LaSalle Peru Football Game

Wow what a game. For those that missed it, it was down to the last plays before the game was decided. Last week against Woodruff it was the last set of downs that ended in a Richwoods win. A final minute interception tonight stopped LaSalle from Beating Richwoods.

For the fashion conscious Richwoods came out in new All Green Uniforms. The Knights looked as good in the Second half as the new Uniforms.

It was finally Football Weather. The cool night felt reminiscent of years gone by when the Football Season started several weeks later. Here it is the end of the regular season and the first game with a temp below 50 and a wind chill.

If you are old enough to remember the Thanksgiving Day game at the Stadium. They were truly memorable experience of games between Manual and Peoria Central. Many of the attendees were just football fans. This was before 300 channels on cable. There may have been 3 back then. Folk's went to the game as a social event whle the Turkey was cooking. The game was well attended, you would see many people from all the area schools. It was a great event. This had to stop when the Illinois State High School Association started the Football playoffs.

In between the two halves was a fine performance from the Richwood Band, Flag Team and the Pom Squad. The played some Older Rock and one hit wonders starting the show with an Emerson Lake and Palmer offering. The one problem I have with the new band half time show is that the drum lines do not march. Was there a Darwinian Evolution of Percussionist that does not allow them to March. Have they lost there sense of Rhythm in Evolution process. There Drummers The should be able to March;-)

Richwoods next game will be in the playoffs. Go out and support one of your local teams. It is great fun and money well spent.

Go Knights

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Farmer's Markets

Last week, I was traveling in the great State of North Carolina. They really know how to support their Agriculture producers. I visited the State Farmers Market in Raleigh and in Greensboro.

The Raleigh State Farmers Market just off Interstate 40 is a large complex filled with Fresh Produce (Locally grown), plants, prepared foods and Crafts. It is large enough that you can leisurely walk around the stalls and look at the items and make your selections. The area also includes 2 restaurants, One is a Seafood restaurant that is self serve (A great value) and a full Service family restaurant with Southern Specialties. Try the Meatloaf. It is open every day. It is a must stop if you are in the area.

The Greensboro State Farmers Market is a little smaller. The highlight is a new Restaurant the Moose Cafe.

The original Moose Cafe is in Asheville, NC. This restaurant was a great place to stop. A friendly and helpful staff. The Restaurant is large and open.

The Food is great. The biscuits and Apple Butter are a specialty. The Apple Butter is quite Chunky and tastes great. The Biscuits were very large and fluffy. They did not leave that oily aftertaste that some biscuits leave. The Chicken Dumplings were excellent. It came with two sides. I got the Green Beans and the mashed Potatoes. The Green beans were old fashioned pole beans, the Mashed Potatoes were the real deal. The Berry Cobbler was hot and fresh. Cost with drink was under $10.00.

The Moose Cafe at The State Farmer's Market in Greensboro get 4.5 out of 5 Wagging Tails.

It would be great if we had these types of areas in Illinois. The Farmer's Market at Metro Center is good as well as the one on the Riverfront on Saturday Morning. I have not made it to the other Seasonal market in Pekin. Being at the Courthouse it always sounded interesting. Guess we will have to wait for next year to get the Markets here in full swing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Initial Post

Having been told that this is the hardest post, I do believe them now. We are beginning a journey that will start here and end down by the River.

Speaking of the River, Last week was Bark in the Park. For you fellow Animal lovers there is the Foster Pet Outreach - Ho0liday pictures coming up this Sunday at the Heartland Dog training facility. The Photographers "Freeze Frame" do a great job. It is a very worthwhile cause and a great event.

Hopefully we will see many tail waggers there.