Saturday, December 8, 2007

John Morris- Will he come in and save the day for WTVP??

John Morris claim to the seat of Ray LaHood is based on his Peoria City Council experience and his Non Profit fund raising efforts.

In his election website he also promotes this experience. Looking at the John Morris for Congress website the following information about John's past accomplishments.

"John serves as vice president for development for WTVP. In this position, he has spent the last ten years promoting civic engagement, education for children and culture for our community through his work with the station. Nearly a million viewers in 20 counties have been enriched by numerous quality programs, made possible in part by John’s leadership in raising millions in private funds to support public television.
His leadership helped our local station to be the first to achieve federally required digital conversion in Illinois and to gain recognition as one of the finest broadcast stations of its kind in the nation. He presently serves as the Chairman of the national PBS Foundation Station Advisory Board. He previously served as the chief development officer for the non-profit Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences from 1992-1997. Today, he frequently speaks out on the importance of private philanthropy."
-Source: John Morris for Congress website

We have seen John for many years on the fundraisers for WTVP. Searching his website about the problems that WTVP currently faces and you can not find any reference to the plight of WTVP.

In the news articles and today's editorial in the Journal Star there are many dimensions to the problem facing WTVP in the next few months. Being a long term fan of WTVP and now their CREATE offering, it would be a shame for the community if the screen went black. Hope for the communities and its individuals to keep this most basic educational television delivering service to the local communities.

Will John come out and aid his former employer in their hours of need?? Will we see any mention from John about the WTVP situation??

Only time will tell.


O'Brien's Briar Patch said...

I am a huge believer in public television and believe if not for public television, many worthwhile topics would go uncovered.

With this, if I were running against Morris, I'd slam him big time for what is going on with WTVP. I mean, here is a candidate running on conservative principles and poor WTVP is having tremendous money woes?