Friday, December 7, 2007

The Race for Congress has one less Candidate

I will miss Former BU Coach Dick Versace in the race for Congress. Th three candidates on the Republican side lack that certain flair that Dick Versace brings to the run.

Will there be a breakout with Mayor Ardis's endorsement of Jim McConaughy for Congress. Jim definitely stands out against the field at the moment.

With all sorts of projects needing money will the candidates be looking at trying to convince voters they can bring home the Pork?

There has been a lot of talk about large capital expenditures in the region. We have the Museum Square, the Zoo, WTVP, Children's Hospital, the Catholic Dioceses have large amount of projects on the drawing board (New High School, Some improvements at the schools) Peoria Public schools looking at adding two new schools. Where is the money coming from??? Also look at this list, these are not projects that are going to increase the workforce. These are projects, although good for the community they are "feel good projects."

The emphasis needs to be on job creation and providing for the local charities like Southside Mission, Neighborhood House, Peria Rescue Mission, etc. These can make a difference in the community.