Monday, December 17, 2007

Tracks- the fresh snow

The best thing about snow is the tracks>>>>> Look around the snow and see what visitors you had in your yard.

A first set of tracks noticed was from a one legged pidgeon. I spotted the tracks early in the morning near the garage. And saw the little guy by the feeder later in the day. He was eating bird seed off the ground. (Bird Seed funny use of terms. If you plant it will birds grow?)

I also saw tracks from the mouse that lives under the stairs. He is so cute. I am sure he will be burrowing through the snow since I saw two sets of Cat tracks.

There were several bunnies. The dogs get excited when they smell the bunnies. (No not the "Girls next door" kind of bunnies) There was also the rabbit poo all over the yard that was shoveled where you can see the grass.

The Birds are all by the double feeders and Bird Bath. They really enjoy the feed and the Suet. The different bird tracks are of all sizes. From the CatBirds down to the little chickadees. It is great seeing the Cardinals and the occasional woodpecker stop by the feeder.

The freshness is slowly diminishing in the snow. The scholl kids and neighbor dogs are gradually making the front yard resemble Grand Central Station as the tracks accumulate.

We will have to wait for a fresh canvas of newly fallen snow to start the tracks again. It is truly amazing the things you can find in the tracks.

Sleep tight, stay warm, and have a happy holiday.