Sunday, June 22, 2008


Have you noticed at work, school and out and about that the people with Allergies are seeming to be everywhere. I was picking up a Prescription this morning and on the drive back it made me wonder.

Is the increase in Allergies we are seeing directly or indirectly related to the economy. The observation is that as the price of fuel has increased we see less maintenance on the right of way of the infrastructure. Along I74 and I474 much of the grasses and weeds have not been cut or sprayed. This gives and increase of Pollen production of Golden Rod, and other noxious weeds. Then add the grasses that are now big enough to flower and produce seeds. The range of the that little pollen speck is huge.

Then add the wet conditions, and early cool spell allowed these grasses and weeds to get off on a great start of production.

When we get used to the headlines of the cost of this rising, and that rising due to fuel prices. We now have to wonder if it affecting our health as well.

From this runny nose to the next you encounter, it may be the grass and weeds that we have not had at this level for many years.