Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Fake Poll- Come on what's with the State's Attorney race

I just got off the phone with a pollster- he says he was a pollster. What a bunch of bull!

The guy started out like it was an actual poll, then when he got down to the States Attorney race the full purpose came out. What a cheap way to put a commercial in for a candidate.

It was kind of humorous when he asked if I knew who the candidates are and in the list was Gary Sandburg. When I said I was watching the City council meeting he really started throwing out positive statements about Mr. LaHood and Derogatory statements about Mr. Lyons. Come on Mr. LaHood lets get real.

If you are going to have a fake poll or somebody representing you with a fake poll then say so during the call. It was really neat the way the gentleman could pronounce your name so well and had a hard time announciating Mr. Lyons.

Election time, you got to like it. Can wait to vote early so when these character's call again, I will tell them I already voted.

Well at least it was more interesting than the consent agenda!

Monday, July 21, 2008

First Red Tomato

I fondly remember our neighborhood many years ago used to have a contest to see who would get the first red tomato. I remember one year sneaking out and painting my Grandfathers tomato red.

The neighbor saw it and got grampa out of the hammock and they both went back to the garden. It did not take Grandpa long to figure that one out.

Well yesterday I got my first red tomato. The old fashion way, the natural way. Yes it was tasty.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Scooters- trying to beat the $4.00 a Gallon-get a helmet for the kids!

Today, I was in Morton and saw in disbelief a young lady driving her scooter with her son (approximately 7 or 8 years old) riding behind. My jaw dropped as I saw the Mother and child heading to Wally for the latest bargain. Hopefully they were headed there for a Helmet for her son.

She may have been trying to save money by using the scooter for transportation but not having a helmet on the little guy. How can a Mother have this kind of activity endangering her son.

I guess I may be the minority here in Illinois where the helmet is not mandatory. But in this case someone needs to wake up. The child needs protection when riding on the scooter. If the Mom chooses not to wear one that is one thing.

People should use some common sense when they are transporting their kids. We have to have car seats in cars, why not helmets for the little ones on scooters. On Bicycle safety the rule is wear a helmet.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Boathouse Restaurant- Charleston SC

If you have been to Charleston SC you know there are many fancy restaurant by the market and downtown. Well last night we tried a restaurant between the New Ravenel Bridge and Downtown on Bay Street.

The Boathouse Restaurant has a great selection of local seafood. I had the Crab Cakes with Okra and Macaroni and Cheese. Our table had several shrimp dishes and Local Grouper. We started with fresh raw oysters and steamed mussels, and Shrimp. Also Fried Green Tomatoes. All the appetizers were excellent.

We were to full for dessert.

It was a great place to stop. There were many locals in the building celebrating anniversaries and Birthdays. Always a good sign.

If you are in Charleston stop by the Boathouse. Its worth the trip. It is on Baystreet just outside of downtown Charleston.

Do not be afraid to try the collards and grits.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Peoria's new Library- Additional Taxes??

Listening to the radio yesterday morning, there was a lot of talk about how much the new Library would cost the individual taxpayers. Like this was a surprise.

The electorate voted for the Library and they did not understand there would be a tax increase? Come on, give your citizens more credit than that.

Last year we heard a lot of rhetoric on what is going on at District 150, and how they want it to improve the education level. Then they are against the Library. Does not this seem a little odd. We want to increase educational opportunities but we want to stifle any new educational opportunity by not supporting a Library.

We get back at the economy. If you look at the long term outlook if there is not action on the Library soon it will not happen due to economic forces. If this is the true concern, why not come out and say that the Library and other Capital intensive projects need to be put on hold until the tax base straightens out.

Are we going to see massive amount of people protesting taxes this coming year as we see the drop in housing prices, thus lowering the base for the taxing bodies. Is this the reason that we are seeing the foot dragging on this issue?

Monday, July 7, 2008


Jazz on the Riverfront is Thursday nights, This coming week Todd Kelly Quintet will perform. Its on the CEFCU Stage at 7:30 P.M. It is a great venue and it is free.

Sponsored by the Peoria Park District, Cefcu, And the Central Illinois Jazz Society.

Head to the Riverfront and listen to some great music.

See you there.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Madison Golf Course

In the last few weeks the PJS has been talking about the golf courses in Peoria. From a safety standpoint and from the lack of play. I had the fortunate opportunity to play Madison today. It was a quick round and we were done before 10:00.

Probably to early to see the non golfers on the course. It was very noticeable that the amount of golfers was definitely down for a Sunday. Remembering back years ago you could not get on a Peoria course before noon without a reservation. Not the case today.

It was a great day, a good round, maybe to many putts with my new putter.

While I was in the area I stopped at Haddad's Market and picked up some items that looked great. The Stuffed Pork Chops smell great as they are finishing cooking.

I was glad I could get out today and enjoy another beautiful day of this great weekend.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Riverfront Market

It was great morning to visit the Riverfront Market in Downtown Peoria. The rivers edge is always a great place to visit. The weather was great, ane veryone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
There was a nice selection of early season crops. The arugala, beets, radishes, and onions looked great. I did purchase some Herbs and a few Mint plants for the Garden.

There was abundant parking in the nearby lots. Also quite a large amount of Baked good, bread, cookies, muffins, etc. The cut flowers were all very vibrant and quite plentiful.

There was also quite a few Jewelry and other craft booths. It was really an enjoyable part of the morning.

A definite must attend on a Saturday Morning.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Have a safe 4th of July. Will resume regular blogging tomorrow.

Go Redbirds!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Community Gardens where did they go?

With the current economic situation, the thought of a garden makes a lot of sense. I for one enjoy the fresh Tomatoes, Zuchini, Peppers and Onions. In the late 80's community gardens were quite common. If you lived in an apartment or house with no yard, you could rent a small space and make your own garden.

As I drive around town there are many vacant lots. Can the Neighborhood associations approach the city or county to sell them the lots that are behind in Taxes and make community gardens. Or approach Landowners to use this space for flower and vegetable production.

Looking at a garden of Pumpkin, squash and other vegetables is better than look at long grass and weeds. Put some production in the land so people have vegetables. Beside being a green alternative, this will also slow the import of crops from far away and save fuel.

In the mass merchandisers you will see food imported from all over the world. What a waste when we can grow those commodities here in Central Illinois in the summer. Home grown veggies and flowers are better than the import variety. Why not make this option available for those that have limited funds.

Productive time in the vegetable garden is a great experience. We should not forget about the lost arts of canning fresh crops. Stewed tomatoes, fresh vegetable soup, and the wonderful colors of home grown flowers.

Even though tomorrow is July 4 it is not to late to plant items in the yard. Planting marigolds today. Tomorrow will see more planting. It gets you out of the house and in the fresh air. Lets bring back the community gardens, make local grown produce a great option.

Get outside and smell the flowers.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Another one bites the dust" continued

Watching the news tonight learned of the closing of the River Station Restaurant. Due to its loss of liquor license. Was just reported on WHOI. They are saying they will be open for the Fireworks on Friday. That will probably be its last hurrah under the current owners.

Similar instance a few blocks away the same happened at In Play before Christmas. They were selling Gift Certificates on one day and the next they are closed. Many had made plans for receptions and other events.

Yesterday there was an article that Starbucks is going to close 600 locations. There are 6600 Starbuck locations. This closure will affect 12,000 Baristas.

The economy is not a friendly environment for the big and small.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Congressional Medal of Honor

This week I was sitting in Harry Carey's restaurant in Lombard, and we were having a chat with a gentleman from Norfolk. During the discussion he was talking about taking his son to Little League. His son's team mates father was honored with The Congressional Medal of Honor. He went on to tell his son that that gentleman was a Hero.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. On the way home it made me think, what do the next generation look up to as heroes. Kids today idolize sports figures, Rock and Hip Hop stars. But who are the true Heroes that these kids should look up to?

Is it the Titan of Industry, is it the hometown store owner. Is it the volunteer firefighter, is it the local Policeman.

It seems that there are many Heroes that the new generation should try to emulate. It is the hard working next door neighbor, the volunteer that gives up hours of their own time to make a difference. In this economy, these are the people making a difference. Not some brainless actor or actress. Not a Hip Hop or Rock star. They need to look around them and see the people that really are making a difference in their community and their life.

We are heading into the Fourth of July, Independence Day, a day of celebration and a day of remembering those that have gone before. Think of the Founding Fathers, Think of the people around you that make a difference in any positive way.

Have a great Holiday.