Thursday, July 3, 2008

Community Gardens where did they go?

With the current economic situation, the thought of a garden makes a lot of sense. I for one enjoy the fresh Tomatoes, Zuchini, Peppers and Onions. In the late 80's community gardens were quite common. If you lived in an apartment or house with no yard, you could rent a small space and make your own garden.

As I drive around town there are many vacant lots. Can the Neighborhood associations approach the city or county to sell them the lots that are behind in Taxes and make community gardens. Or approach Landowners to use this space for flower and vegetable production.

Looking at a garden of Pumpkin, squash and other vegetables is better than look at long grass and weeds. Put some production in the land so people have vegetables. Beside being a green alternative, this will also slow the import of crops from far away and save fuel.

In the mass merchandisers you will see food imported from all over the world. What a waste when we can grow those commodities here in Central Illinois in the summer. Home grown veggies and flowers are better than the import variety. Why not make this option available for those that have limited funds.

Productive time in the vegetable garden is a great experience. We should not forget about the lost arts of canning fresh crops. Stewed tomatoes, fresh vegetable soup, and the wonderful colors of home grown flowers.

Even though tomorrow is July 4 it is not to late to plant items in the yard. Planting marigolds today. Tomorrow will see more planting. It gets you out of the house and in the fresh air. Lets bring back the community gardens, make local grown produce a great option.

Get outside and smell the flowers.