Sunday, July 20, 2008

Scooters- trying to beat the $4.00 a Gallon-get a helmet for the kids!

Today, I was in Morton and saw in disbelief a young lady driving her scooter with her son (approximately 7 or 8 years old) riding behind. My jaw dropped as I saw the Mother and child heading to Wally for the latest bargain. Hopefully they were headed there for a Helmet for her son.

She may have been trying to save money by using the scooter for transportation but not having a helmet on the little guy. How can a Mother have this kind of activity endangering her son.

I guess I may be the minority here in Illinois where the helmet is not mandatory. But in this case someone needs to wake up. The child needs protection when riding on the scooter. If the Mom chooses not to wear one that is one thing.

People should use some common sense when they are transporting their kids. We have to have car seats in cars, why not helmets for the little ones on scooters. On Bicycle safety the rule is wear a helmet.