Wednesday, June 3, 2009

pedestrians wake up its 5:00 and your Jay walking on Knoxville

Today while driving up Knoxville at 5 tonight. I could not beleive the number of people standing in the turn lanes trying to cross the street. All within a block of a light.

Had one of the people been hit by a car we would not have heard the end of the driver not obeying the law....etc. When will the pedestrian learn the laws of the land. On of the pedestrians was 20 feet from a crosswalk at McClure.

Come on folks wake up.. use some common sense. Be Safe.


Emerge Peoria said...

Equally dangerous in the stretch on Knoxville between War Memorial and Lake.

Themis said...

I was just going to ask if this happened to be between Nebraska and McClure when I saw you mention McClure. Crazy. But then you have to realize that no one in the city taught their kids how to cross streets, starting about 30 years ago. And these are the ones teaching the current and future generations. *Sigh*

Ramble On said...

It is almost like "I dare you.