Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day a Sugar induced holiday?

Today I was talking to some Mom's about Valentines Day. They both have small daughters and I asked if the kids were excited about the big day.

I heard about the new tradition, cards that have candy attached. Has Valentine's day turned into another Sugar Induced Tradition? Apparently the new Valentines cards are attached to treats for the kids. I thought the holiday was about giving the card, that was excitement enough in my day.

One of the Mother's took a fruit tray to her daughter's class. The shock of that to all the kids looking for the latest candy treat was probably disappointing. The Mom and Daughter will probably be on Maurie or Jerry next week.

How this world has changed. I felt like Charlie Brown hoping to get a card from the Little Red Head girl.

My how times have changed, The thrill of making the shoe box to stuff the Valentines in. Hoping that when it was opened that One Special Valentine was in the box. Now the bags are ripped open to see what kind of treats are to be had.

As Charlie Brown would say "Good Grief"


Katie said...

We had a mini meltdown Valentine's morning when it was revealed that Dad forgot to grab candy to include in the Valentine's. When I explained that it wasn't necessary so I would not be running to buy candy 10 minutes before school, I had a couple disappointed kids. But they came home with more than enough crap to keep them hyped well into the weekend!